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Do not hesitate to send us an email if you can't find what you're looking for.

If you succesfully entrered a tickets you can't be able to delete your entry.

The prize winners in each Contest drawing are posted on the Winning page the day of the draw, following the validation process. Lotto-Dream will attempt to notify each prize winner by Phone call or email using the contact information provided in the winner's registration data.

Check your internet connection: Make sure that you have a stable internet connection and that your device is connected to it.

Clear your browser cache: Clearing your browser cache can help resolve issues with loading pages or submitting forms.

Try a different browser: If you’re using a specific browser, try switching to a different one to see if that resolves the issue.

Contact customer support: If none of the above tips work, you can try contacting customer support for the website or app you’re trying to register for. They might be able to provide more specific guidance.

Once you’re in the profile settings, look for the option to update your personal information. This could include your name, email address, phone number, or other details. and click on Update.


Check the rules of the lottery to see how long you have to claim your prize and what documentation you need to provide. Depending on the amount of your prize, you may be able to claim it at a location or you may need to contact Lotto-Dream directly. You may need to provide identification and other documentation to claim your prize.

You will be able to claim your winning prize within 3 months , but we recommend you to claim your winning prizes intsantly.

If a lottery prize is not claimed within the stipulated time period, it will be forfeited and cannot be paid out. The unclaimed prize money is then used for various purposes such as funding public projects, supporting charities, or returned to the players through guaranteed jackpots and bonus draws.

Lotto-Dream Lottery winners cannot remain anonymous. Lotto-Dream law mandates that the Lotto-Dream provide records containing information such as the winner's name, city of residence; game won, date won, and Prize won to any third party who requests the information; however, Lotto-Dream Lottery winners' street addresses and telephone numbers are kept confidential.